Wednesday 25 November 2015

African Voices on Climate Change: outlining climate change impacts upon Ethiopia

The video shows Fassil Kebede of the Ethiopian Environment and Forest Research Institute, explaining some ways in which climate change is already impacting his country. Few of the points touched on are closely linked with water. One of them is the increased occurence of a pair of extremes: drought and flooding events. Another problem, faced in Ethiopian low-lands especially, is the reduced growing-season (by the intensification of seasonal precipitation to erratic, less predictable rains).


  1. Amazing how much SSA is already being effected by climate change, it's no longer a problem for future generations. Do you think that because effects of climate change are already being felt it influenced COP21 positively? Or do you think positive outcomes would have come out of the meeting regardless.

  2. I think it is generally much harder to pressure the large emitters today to agree to reduce their emissions (as it ultimately costs them money and changes their economies' workings) without grounded evidence of impact. Global circulation models are, in the end, just models. When, however, human livelihoods are already adversely affected, it adds an additional sense of responsibility (which isn't just "the environment"). Therefore, yes, I think it has been vital in the negotiations.
